Zizo Tshwete’s Weight Loss Secrets And Journey

Zizo Tshwete’s weight loss seems like a miracle to most of her fans, so of which kept asking her the secret to her success , well some days back she rolled out tips and her journey to weight loss.


Read what she said below.

“Weight is such a big topic in our society. I have countless DMs from women asking me what my ‘secrets’ are and honestly there are none. Getting to where you want to get to physically takes sheer discipline and hard work! But beyond that I just have to share that we need to start speaking more about who we are as people rather than what we look like.

My positive traits as a person haven’t changed regardless of whatever size I was at any particular time. We live in a world where we post the most filtered images of ourselves and put such pressure on ourselves. It’s insane. I don’t claim to have it all figured out. I don’t. I am however making a commitment to have a REAL conversation with anyone who wants to have it with me. And if you are going to be negative on this chat – how about you not get involved at all. Bottom line is YOU ARE A QUEEN NO MATTER WHAT SIZE THAT IS!”

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