Valentine Bango Accuses Black Coffee’s Ex Wife, Enhle Mbali Mlotshwa Of Having An Affair With Her Husband

Valentine Bango Accuses Black Coffee

Valentine Bango has accused the ex-wife of Black Coffee, Enhle Mbali Mlotshwa of having an affair with her husband, the owner of Cotton Lounge.

She made the revelation in a series of post shared on her Twitter and Instagram account. According to Valentine Bango, Enhle Mbali Mlotshwa has been having a secret affair with her husband for years and they only came out open when they wanted her to accept Enhle Mbali Mlotshwa as a second wife which she declined because she would never accept Polygamy.

Despite kicking against the polygamy proposal, Valentine Bango revealed further that Enhle Mbali Mlotshwa still went ahead with the secret relationship with her husband.

Valentine Bango raised several questions, accusing Enhle of being an hypocrite who cried about being cheated on by Black Coffee but goes about doing the exact same thing to another family.

Read her full statement below:

So I have something very painful to say. Enhle Mbali Mlotshwa and my husband Justice Huni have been having an affair for years. They have been keeping this secret and this year they finally decided to tell me. They decided to tell me because they wanted her to join our a second wife. They tried to make their affair look pretty. Unfortunatelyy you can’t turn dirt into gold.

I rejected and dismissed the proposal. I have never and will never agree to polygamy. This might be the way of life for others but it’s not what I want for my life.

Having dismissed their polygamy proposal they still continued with their relationship.

I have a few questions to ask Enhle.

1.How is it ok for you to cry about
Black Coffee cheating on you and then go and do the same to another woman?

2. How is it ok for you to cry about adultery breaking up your family and then turn around and do that to another family?You are a home wrecker

3. If polygamy is your thing,why didn’t you ask Black Coffee to make his mistresses wives in your marriage and leave my marriage alone?

4. Adultery is a form of abuse. How can you be an advocate for women while sleeping with my husband? You and my husband’s actions have broken me.

5. You are constantly quoting the bible, preaching about good mental health; telling people to mind their own business as you are minding your own business and yet you are in my business,taking part in breaking my marriage. In breaking another woman. In breaking up a family. How?

6. You said, you asked to be a second wife because you aren’t a home wreck and even apologized to me as soon as I told you that would never happen. And because you aren’t a home wrecker you would stop.

Only to find out that was all a lie. All the while you’ve been working on how to remove me from my marriage. You even went on to say I should fight for my marriage. What kind of a twisted person are you?

7. I said to you adultery can lead to sickness (HIV/ STDs). You responded by saying I shouldn’t worry because you used a condom. How ignorant and mis-informed? How are you a chairwoman/ spokesperson for other women?

8. How do you go through a painful divorce and act like the victim,while sleeping with my husband?

9. How do you look your children in the eye fully knowing you are breaking up another child’s home like theirs was?How will you even begin to explain that to them? What are you teaching your boys?

10. You had the affair during COVID. Every time my husband was sick from COVID I was by his side. Thank God I never got sick. But how dare the both of you put my life, child’s life, family members lives, your 2 son’s lives at risk? All for an affair. People’s lives and my marriage are not yours to break. How do you not have care and respect?

11. 12 years ago when my husband was broke you didn’t want him. You kept him in the friend zone. Then you found
Black Coffee, got married and never spoke to my husband since. During your divorce proceedings to Black Coffee, the two of you start talking again calling each other best friends and then you all of a sudden found my successful husband attractive. You really know how to dig for gold.

Anyway I needed to get this off my chest and I have. The silence was killing me. Well done on your achievement. You can now have a husband again.

To my husband. I am sorry I failed you as a wife. For years you were cruel, broke me down, was cold, distant and I couldn’t understand why. And the reason was you were busy sleeping with Enhle. Making plans for the future and building businesses and erasing me.

I thought by giving you space and time to build your dreams into our future I was helping to support you. I guess no good deed goes unpunished. Something must have been missing and I didn’t notice.

I truly thought I was giving you everything I had and it was enough. But I guess not. You have made me come across as this horrible/ toxic person, when all I’ve ever done is show you love, respect and gratitude.

You never thought of me enough to stop. You never cared that your actions could kill the mother of your child,both physically and mentally. You could have passed on a disease. Even after the truth was out your first instinct was to protect Enhle. You asked me not to expose her.

But you say you love me. You never thought about how this would affect our child. He’s family has been ripped apart. You have broken his mother. But you say you love him. I can only imagine what both our families are going through. But you say you love them.

I hope your pursuit of happiness is successful. Happy 10 year anniversary.

I know some of you are thinking that this happens to everyone. Well that’s the problem right there. My first thought was what if they have given me an HIV or an STD? I’m scared to go and get tested. This thing they have done has truly messed with my head.

Affairs of the heart should not be taken lightly, much like physical abuse. People should think and really consider the pain they inflict in marriages and other relationships. The mental space is a fragile one. Let’s stop normalising mental pain.

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