Semi Tee Shows Evolution of Sound in “Ramaila Album”

Semi Tee - Ramaila

If there is one thing every artists want, it’s the desire to do anything and grow without the limitations of any label. The past couple of years has been tough for Semi Tee, considering his fight for independence from his former label and now that he is free, he is celebrating his wins with the release of “Ramaila Album” – a soulful, powerful new wave of Amapiano that’s insanely fun to listen through.

Semi Tee remains one of the most significant figures in the Amapiano music scene. As a pioneer of the sound, he has mastered his craft and it comes through in remarkable ways on his newly launched album, Ramaila.

Breaking free from the hold of Jozi Entertainment is a win worth celebrating. Now that he has gained his freedom, Semi Tee has promised to deliver high-quality, speaker-worthy offerings that fans will enjoy for years. Today, he finally brings us his long-awaited 20-track album, and it is worth the wait.

Released through his newly launched independent records, the 20-track release brings more than enough content for any Amapiano fan to enjoy, and his introduction of newer elements on standout tracks like “uThando Kim” featuring Tracy, Amukeleni M, Malemon & Soulful Disciple and “Stuff Sama Grootman” with Malemon & Mdu a.k.a TRP make this project a must have for Amapiano fanatics.

“I really thank God for the past most of my career ,making it through all the hard times and not giving up easily….I last dropped my album in 2021 ,today is the time for me to celebrate all the hard work I’ve been putting in”Semi Tee.


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