Shakes & Les – House of Yanos Amapiano Mix

Shakes & Les - House of Yanos Amapiano Mix

In the Amapiano scene, you don’t relent, because the seconds you take a break, other young and ranging figures will easily fill you place and have you on a bench for the next couple of years.

Shakes & Les are giving already established Amapiano figure a run for their money with their infectious productions and curating abilities. Within just few years of being in the Amapiano mainstream, they have been able to command a good numbers of influences and loyal fan base, and they continue to swell their relevance with more headbanging releases. Today, we take you through the various corners of their sounds via this infectious mixtape called “House of Yanos Amapiano Mix.”

This tape was curated in Dubai and it seeks to expand the boundaries of the local genre by introducing fresh ears to its sweet melodies, energetic flows and perfect timings.

With lots of heaters under their belt, it’s becoming more clear than ever that the future is bright for Shakes & Les and for those who are yet to experience them in their glory, we would advice you get a ticket to one of your live events close to you. You can follow their gig guide on their socials.


DOWNLOAD MP3: Shakes & Les – House of Yanos Amapiano Mix

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